Vision, Mission, and Quality Policy

Aspire to become preferred institute by transforming rural youths into global technocrats through continual excellence in engineering education, innovation, lifelong learning and ethical values.

M1. To inculcate outcome-based quality education in engineering through experiential learning with state-of-the-art infrastructure.
M2. To promote industry-institute collaborations to encourage innovations in thrust areas by providing eco system.
M3. To emphasize on cutting edge technologies that are sustainable and beneficial to different sectors of society.
M4. To develop professionals by inculcating discipline, integrity and ethical values.

Quality Policy
Smt. Kamala and Sri Venkappa M. Agadi College of Engineering and Technologies committed to imparting Quality Education leading to Graduation in Engineering & Technology. Our aim is to become an institution of Excellence by continual improvements in our Academic Standards, Effectiveness by setting measurable objectives and complying with the applicable Statutory & Regulatory Requirements. The Quality of excellence pertains to professional management, Teaching Learning Process, and Career Development of Students, this is communicated to all stakeholders and is reviewed for continuing suitability.